
UI Design: Responsive platform re-design for DiemLife.


Startup Platform Redesign: Responsive design for DiemLife, considering mobile, tablet, and desktop layouts.


Project Overview:

To redesign a collaboration platform, making it more engaging and usable.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Evaluated the website based on competitor applications and benchmarks like Eventbrite and Kickstarter.

  2. Generated basic concepts and tested both the current version of the platform and future concepts with users.

  3. Worked closely with developers to re-design components of the platform within 2-week sprints.



  • Heuristic Evaluation

  • Concept Generation

  • 12 Interviews / Testing Sessions

  • Development Roadmap

  • Weekly UI Design Sprints

Landing Page: Before vs. After


Landing Page: Responsive Design

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Explore Page: Before vs. After

Desktop Small Explore.png

Explore Page: Responsive Design

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Creating a hybrid interview guide to gather discovery research context for the platform redesign and usability issues with the existing platform.

Introduction (2 mins)

Thanks so much for agreeing to this interview! We really appreciate it. You can  expect this session to take about 1 hour to complete. 

First, I will be asking you some general questions about yourself and your preferences before giving you a tour of the DiemLife platform. I would also love to get your feedback on a few design concepts we are exploring at the moment. 

Do you have any questions for me before we begin? 

Great! Let’s get started! 

Context (20 minutes)

General Context (5 minutes)

  1. Let’s start by getting to know each other  a bit. Tell me a little bit about yourself. 

    1. Probe: What do you do for a living?

    2. Probe: What made you decide to live in NYC?

    3. Probe: Is your family from around here? Where are they from?

Goals & Interests (5 minutes)

  1. What are some of your professional goals for yourself at the moment?

  2. What are some of your personal goals for yourself at the moment?

  3. When you set goals for yourself, how do you typically keep track of them?

  4. When was the last time you talked to a friend or family member about a goal that you wanted to achieve or complete? Tell me more!

  5. When was the last time that a friend or family member talked to you about a goal that they wanted to achieve or complete? Tell me more! 

Events & Activities (10 minutes)

  1. Can you tell me about a time when one of your goals led you to complete certain activities or events? 

    1. How did you go about it? 

    2. What motivated you to complete this goal/activity/event?

    3. What were some challenges that you faced while completing it? 

  2. Can you tell me about a time when a friend or family member motivated you to complete a goal or event that you might not have necessarily done by yourself? 

    1. How did they convince you?

    2. Why did you agree to it?

  3. Can you tell me about a goal for yourself that you have not yet got around to doing or trying? 

    1. Why is that?

    2. What do you feel are some barriers or challenges to completing this goal?

    3. What would be helpful to you to get you to achieve this goal?

  4. What would you say are some easy goals that you could achieve in a short amount of time, say 1-2 weeks?

  5. What would you say are some harder goals that you would need more time to achieve, say 1-2 months? What about long term goals, that last could take 6 months to 1 year?

  6. Can you tell me about the last time you did something very spontaneous? What was it? What got you excited to do it?

  7. Can you tell me about the last time you took time to plan an event or outcome? What was it? How did you go about planning it?

  8. Would you consider yourself to be more of a spontaneous person or a person who likes to plan? Why?

Tour of DiemLife (20 minutes) 

Thanks for answering all my questions! I would love to have you take a look at the DiemLife site right and we can walk through the platform.

Landing Page (2 minutes)

  1. Take a minute to look at the DiemLife landing page. What do you think this platform is all about?

  2. How would you expect to use it in your daily life? 

I’m now going to login for you so that we can take a look at some of the platform functionality.

My Quests Page (3 minutes)

  1. Take  a minute to look at this page. What catches your attention initially? 

  2. What titles interest you in this view? 

  3. Where would you go to browse different options? (prompt to find Explore page)

Explore Page (5 minutes)

  1. Take  a minute to look at this page. What catches your attention initially? 

  2. What titles interest you in this view? 

  3. Let’s say that you are only interested in browsing Quests about races or marathons. How would you do this? (prompt to click into categories)

  4. How might you share a Quest with a friend? (prompt to find share icon)

  5. Let’s say you want to go ahead and get started with a Quest. How would you do that? (prompt to click into Quest)

Quest Page (5 minutes) 

  1. Take  a minute to look at this page. What catches your attention initially? 

  2. How might you go about completing this quest? 

  3. How long do you feel it would take you to complete each milestone?

  4. How long do you feel it would take you to complete this quest?

  5. What are some challenges you feel that you will face when completing this quest?

  6. What types of motivation would you need to complete this quest?

  7. What might motivate you to raise money for a cause on DiemLife?

  8. What about team fundraising? Would you consider using DiemLife for this?

Create a Quest (5 minutes)

  1. I would love for you to go ahead and create a short quest! If you have trouble coming up with ideas, let me know and I can help.

Tour of Design Concepts (10 minutes)

I would now like you to take a look at a couple of future design concepts that we are working on. Take a minute to look at each concept and compare it with the existing DiemLife platform. For each page, tell me what you like, what you dislike, and what’s confusing for either option.

Landing Page (1 minutes)

Explore Page (2 minutes)

Quest Page (3 minutes)

My Profile- managing quests vs. modifying quests (3 minutes)

Conclusion (5 minutes)

  1. Overall, what did you like about the existing DiemLife platform?

  2. What were some challenges when using this platform?

  3. Overall, what did you like about the design concepts we presented?

  4. And what did you dislike or find confusing about these concepts?

Thanks so much for answering all my questions! I really appreciate the time you took to speak with me. Your feedback will be used to help improve the site and come up with more concepts! 


Early concepts for interview/user testing sessions.

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